Sunday 21 April 2013

Why Am I Doing This???

As a testing trial to this experiment, I went a whole week dressed like I was in the 40s and 50s era. This was about two weeks ago, with outfits ranging to lace dresses, ascots, beehives, victory rolls, and pencil skirts. I got a mixture of reactions -- from people reminding me what century it is to compliments about my new style. Tommorow, Monday April 22nd, begins my experiment. Not only will I be living the "50s Houswife" life (modified, since I am a student) but I will be dressing, learning, cooking, cleaning, sewing, & more! I am VERY excited.

A lot of people have asked WHY I am doing this experiment. Well, I love the vintage era. My favorite film is Singing In The Rain and I only listen to swing and Broadway music. Besides that, I love history and heritages, and one of my main goals from this project is to understand people, events, and places during these eras. It all started when I went on Youtube, out of curiosity, to learn how to do victory rolls. Then it sort of escalated into a raw fascination with the era, and myd decision to live that way. My final goal, once this blog becomes more popular, is to start a website called Vintage My Clothing -- in which people are able to send me clothes and I show them how to wear it in different eras; combining my love of fashion and of history.Along with that, I will be posting pictorials on hair and fashion. 

I cannot wait to see what this journey has for me. I know it will be hard. I know it will require effort, time, and dedication. But I know the rewards will be far more greater than the sacrifices needed. Life is what you make of it, the life you decided to choose, and I know this lifestyle will be rewarding. I am NOT saying it is for everybody. I do not have bitter feelings towards those who dress in the modern time and live that way --- but for me, I want something different, something fun, something exciting.

My name is Julia Schemmer. I'm a sophomore in high school, dedicated to learning and singing in choir. In this modernized world, I am anticipating tradition and vintage ideals. The journey starts HERE.

Saturday 20 April 2013

the beginning.

Beginnings always have a trace of awkwardness, don't they? It's the idea of starting something new, without knowing the results. It's like diving headfirst into a pool, you don't know how hot or cold the water will be unless you give it a shot.

With that said, beginnings also have a trace of hope -- hope that through this experience, you will not be the same person you were before. Hope of learning, discovery, adventure...

Today, April 20th, 2013 I have decided to begin my blog "From Messy Bun to Beehive." My goal in this is to live a vintage-inspired life, contrasted with the technologies of today. This includes learning the piano, cooking, cleaning, and of course, dressing like a vintage southern belle.

I've always been heavily influenced by the 40s and 50s era, and I cannot wait to see what this journey has for me. Hope you stay along for the ride :-)